在第二次世界大战中,日本广岛县和长崎县遭受了美军的原子弹攻击。这也让日本成为了世界上唯一遭受过原子弹轰炸过的国家。当时的场景只能用人间惨剧、惨绝人寰来形容。 近日,日本广岛县福山工业高中的几位学生,使用VR设备来还原当时广岛原子弹爆炸的场景。老师和学生们共同呼吁世界和平,希望类似的事情不再发生。 这是日本广岛一个阳光明媚的夏日早晨。蝉在树上鸣叫,一架孤独的飞机在头顶上掠过。然后是一道闪光,接着是一声巨响。建筑物被夷为平地,浓烟遮蔽了整个天空。 It‘s a sunny summer morning in the city of Hiroshima, Japan。 Cicadas chirp in the trees。 A lone plane flies high overhead。 Then a flash of light, followed by a loud blast。 Buildings are flattened and smoke rises from crackling fires under a darkened sky。 ![]() 两年多的时间里,一群日本高中生苦苦地制作了五分钟的虚拟现实体验,重现了73年前美国在广岛投放原子弹之前、期间和之后的景象和声音。通过将用户及时运送到城市变成荒地的那一刻,学生和他们的老师希望确保类似的事情不会再发生。 Over two years, a group of Japanese high school students has been painstakingly producing a five-minute virtual reality experience that recreates the sights and sounds of Hiroshima before, during and after the U.S。 dropped an atomic bomb on the city 73 years ago。 By transporting users back in time to the moment when a city was turned into a wasteland, the students and their teacher hope to ensure that something similar never happens again。 ![]() 1945年8月6日,轰炸广岛造成140000人死亡。三天后,第二颗美国原子弹炸死了长崎70000人。日本在六天后投降,结束了第二次世界大战。 The Aug 6, 1945, bombing of Hiroshima killed 140,000 people。 Three days later, a second U.S。 atomic bomb killed 70,000 people in Nagasaki。 Japan surrendered six days after that, ending World War II。 “即使没有语言,一旦你看到这些景象,你就会明白,”Mei Okada说,他是福山市一所技校的学生,这个城市距离广岛大约100公里(60英里)。这无疑是VR体验的优点之一。“带上VR头显,用户可以沿着Motoyasu河散步,看看爆炸前的商业和建筑。 “Even without language, once you see the images, you understand,”said Mei Okada, one of the students working on the project at a technical high school in Fukuyama, a city about 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of Hiroshima。 “That is definitely one of the merits of this VR experience。” Wearing virtual reality headsets, users can take a walk along the Motoyasu River prior to the blast and see the businesses and buildings that once stood。 ![]() 他们可以进入邮局和Shima医院庭院,那里的建筑物残骸现在被称为原子弹爆炸圆点,它证明了这里曾经发生了什么。这些福山技校电脑俱乐部的学生们出生在爆炸发生的半个多世纪后。 They can enter the post office and the Shima Hospital courtyard, where the skeletal remains of a building now known as the Atomic Bomb Dome stand on the river‘s banks, a testament to what happened.The students, who belong to the computation skill research club at Fukuyama Technical High School, were born more than half a century after the bombing。 ![]() 18岁的Yuhi Nakagawa说,最初他对炸弹掉落时发生的事情不太感兴趣;如果有什么的话,那是他回避的话题。 Yuhi Nakagawa, 18, said he initially didn‘t have much interest in what happened when the bombs were dropped; if anything, it was a topic he had avoided。 “当我制作原子弹爆炸之前的大楼时,我看到了许多已经倒塌的建筑物照片。我真的感到原子弹是多么可怕,“他说。因此,在创作这个作品的同时,我觉得和其他人分享这一点非常重要。 “When I was creating the buildings before the atomic bomb fell and after, I saw many photos of buildings that were gone。 I really felt how scary atomic bombs can be,” he said。 “So while creating this scenery, I felt it was really important to share this with others。” ![]() 为了重建广岛,学生们研究了旧照片和明信片,并采访了爆炸幸存者,听取他们的经验,并得到他们对VR镜头的反馈。 To recreate Hiroshima, the students studied old photographs and postcards and interviewed survivors of the bombing to hear their experiences and get their feedback on the VR footage。 ![]() 他们使用计算机绘图软件来增加更多的细节,比如照明和建筑表面的自然磨损。熟悉城市的人告诉我们做得很好。他们说这很怀旧,”负责俱乐部的电脑老师Katsushi Hasegawa说。 They used computer graphics software to add further details such as lighting and the natural wear and tear on building surfaces。 “Those who knew the city very well tell us it‘s done very well。 They say it’s very nostalgic,” said Katsushi Hasegawa, a computer teacher who supervises the club。 ![]() “有时他们开始回忆起那段时间,我真的很高兴我们创造了这个,”他们补充说。 “Sometimes they start to reminisce about their memories from that time, and it really makes me glad that we created this,” they added。 学生们在一个没有空调的教室里度过暑假,温度达到摄氏35度(华氏95度)。随着幸存者的老去,Hasegawa老师说,这是一场与时间的赛跑。 The students are working through summer vacation in a classroom without air conditioning, as temperatures reach 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit)。 With the survivors aging, Hasegawa said, it‘s a race against time。 |